People Group’s Assessment Centre
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People Group’s Assessment Centre

“After graduating from university I was on the search for a career that suited my skills and personality. Recruitment was an option because of the remarkable opportunity for a rewarding and financially lucrative career. Participating in People Group's assessment centre was pivotal, as it unveiled to me that recruitment resonated with my aspirations. The experience was informative, igniting within me a strong resolve to secure a job offer."

The day was led by Kevin (Director), Rob (Managing Consultant), and Sophie (External Trainer). The session kicked off with Kevin giving us an overview of the company, its history and core values, which I realised aligned with what I want from my employer and made me feel at ease. The value that resonated with me the most was accountability as during my basketball practice sessions, my coach holds me accountable for all my actions. This approach is the most effective way for me to learn what I am doing wrong, ultimately leading to me becoming a better player.

After the introduction, we engaged in a collaborative activity as an ice breaker to familiarise ourselves with each other and where we were assessed on our communication skills. Following that, we received a complimentary lunch before delving into a group task centered around redesigning a town that had been burnt down. This exercise provided insights into participants' leadership, followership, and critical thinking skills. We then presented our ideas as a team, showcasing our teamwork abilities and demonstrating whether we could uplift others. Following the group task, we underwent individual interviews with Kevin, Rob, and Sophie, each posing a different question. I took the opportunity to inquire about aspects of the team dynamics, aiming to gauge my fit within the wider team.

The experience heightened my interest in pursuing a role as a recruiter within the company. I was drawn to the positive company culture, the close-knit office environment, and the compelling origin story of how the organisation came into existence. Reflecting on the day, I felt it was constructive and positive, appreciating the opportunity to be part of such a dynamic team for the day. Even if the job offer did not materialise, I would have been glad because it confirmed recruitment was the career path for me.

If you’re interested in attending our next assessment centre email your CV to